Waiting signal issue an issue which is more linked to line condition issues and DSLAM port issues. Also, customer related issues (changing the wiring, etc) attribute to the above issue. All customers are not affected by it. But for the affected customers, OPMC can handle the issues on case-by-case basis.
If the problem continues,call our 24 hour help desk on 1243 or (011) 244 1123 for technical support.Then the case will be directed to the specific OPMC.
PEO TV is the ultimate gateway to your ALL IN ONE entertainment solution that perfectly fits into your busy lifestyle. PEO personalized entertainment option is the latest revolutionized television entertainment in the country which provides internet protocol TV to your home television set. This blog is intended for PEO TV customers to tell the world about how attractive PEO TV service is, or any problems in their service.This blog is useful to people to get to know what's inside PEO TV for them. You require a "Blogger Account" in order to post comments on this blog.
This Facebook fan page was created to improve the awareness about Personalized Entertainment Option Television (PEO TV) among the Sri Lankan Facebook users. It is not just TV...It is PEO TV : http://www.facebook.com/pages/Personalized-Entertainment-Option-TV/107087427445
when will peo bring new channels such as star channels and cartoon network, AXN, etc....
and the STB is getting stuck always... this has been a common complaint of many PEO customers. not only mine....
Waiting signal issue an issue which is more linked to line condition issues and DSLAM port issues. Also, customer related issues (changing the wiring, etc) attribute to the above issue. All customers are not affected by it. But for the affected customers, OPMC can handle the issues on case-by-case basis.
If the problem continues,call our 24 hour help desk on 1243 or (011) 244 1123 for technical support.Then the case will be directed to the specific OPMC.
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