Wednesday, September 23, 2009

BENCHMARK interviews available on VOD

Lanka Monthly Digest (LMD) covers the gamut of business, politics, current affairs and management, catering to corporate leaders, managers, executives and directors – as well as to anyone who is interested in both Sri Lankan and international corporate, economic, financial, political and current affairs.BENCHMARK is the television presence of LMD.

BENCHMARK is a weekly, half-hour, business programme on TV. The programme was launched in August 2001, in collaboration with the nation’s leading production house, the wrap factory.
The programme airs on TNL every Sunday (including a repeat). Now you can access this content in PEO TV VOD section as you wish.To access Benchmark videos browse to Main menu -> On demand -> Business ->Benchmark

LMD provides and presents the content of this programme, which includes the following.
  • Interviews with leading businesspeople, emphasising their perceptions of current issues and expectations for the future.
  • The week’s key business indicators.
  • Regular survey segments on public life, especially issues affecting the corporate sphere.
  • A monthly update on business confidence, featuring the unique LMD-NIELSEN ‘Business Confidence Index’ (BCI).


Kavindi said...

hey..what is the use of it. Who will watch these things. try to bring some movies.
Anyway is this VODs are free ?

PEO TV said...

@ kavindi

These videos are uploaded for anyone who is interested in both Sri Lankan and international corporate, economic, financial, political and current affairs.

In this videos you can watch interviews of leading business people, emphasizing their perceptions of current issues and expectations for the future.