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All your massages will be taken in our greatest concern.
Make your order now by sending your contact details to “PEO Visioncom” and experience the world at a click of a button.
It's not just TV. It's PEO TV…
Please advice the following:
1> Is the USB in the Console active ,how to activate it.
2> The optical in the console when connected to the home stereo ,sort of a Eco effect.
Please advice.
Thank You
1.The USB is to connect USB camera, this is for audio/video conferencing which we are looking forward to implement in the future.
2 red and white Audio cables are working fine. the cause to Eco effect may be imperfection in your stereo circuitry (filters). Try whether audio balancing works.
PEO TV facebook information are really useful to get closer look at the IPTV technology
It is glad to hear that PEO TV has taken initiatives to get closer to Sri Lankan public. PEO TV has to put much effort to make awareness about there functions like TSTV, VOD.
I have seen the facebook page and it is very descriptive and colourful
Social networking, best way to improve the awareness. keep up the good work guys..And I like the picture you posted.
Finally, Peo TV has gone and added “Baddegama” and “Gahanu Lamai” in the VoD. PeoTV needs to understand the industry reality. I am sure that they do understand and would act accordingly.
I suggest that PeoTV add one Sinhala, one Tamil and one English movie to their VoD each week. If there are royalty issues, they can make them “this week’s special” and remove later. That way, PeoTV becomes more attractive to the new customers. Peo can do so much and its about time that they should start now.
More Tamil channels are also a must, to keep inline with the requests of our Tamil brothers and sisters. If PeoTV can get its basic channel mix right (Cartoon network, Boomerang, AXN, Hallmark, Net Geo Wild / Animal Planet, ESPN, Start Cricket, MTV (English), MTV2 and possibly Bloomberg), VoD services active and give time shift to some movie channels, well, I don’t think that they would need to advertise to attract new customers.
The deal is simple. Give more to the customers and more customers will you get!
some suggestions to improve PeoTV services:
1. New channels should be added. these should include few new sports channels,popular cartoon channels ( CN, boomerang ), channels like AXN, Fox Crime, FX, etc.
PEO should also look to introduce few unique channels which may not be available with the DTH providers in this region in order to promote the product.
2. Add at least one Sinhala, English, Tamil and possibly Hindi (I am not a big fan but I guess it will balance things) movie to the VoD weekly.
3. Give trick play ability to more channels.
4. Improve the infrastructure so the annoying “waiting for signal” massage would not appear.
5.wht u a think abt wedding tv & wine tv ? is there any fan 4 those channels ? y SLT ppl cant remove those channels and introduce new watchable channels ?
6.The STB becomes non-responsive sometimes ( not the waiting signal problem ). I do not know if it is a problem of the STB or the remote but the STB has to be switched off and plugged in again to make it working...and then should wait for another 2 minutes for the STB to load.... this is so irritating.. PEO should look into this too.
wine tv, wedding tv are useless channels... PEO should replace these two channels with some quality channels, either tamil or hindi which a need exists for such channels...do not put useless channels just to make lengthy channel line up.
hey guys did you see the facebook PEO TV group:
this group is pretty awesome..I think now they are shifting all there contents to their fan page..
Kwel......ela wadak
PEO kolla..ela machan..keep up the good work
Can you please use your contacts at PEO TV to find the answers to 2 simple questions
[1] When will PEO TV re-commence telecasting BBC Entertainment programs - which were suspended without any warning or explanation ?
[2] When can we expect PEO TV to solve the 'Waiting Signal' problem and the STB problem mentioned by Sujani above. These problems are affecting our viewing experience at ALL TIMES OF THE DAY / NIGHT AND DURING ALL TYPES OF WEATHER CONDITIONS
Thank you
Waiting signal issue an issue which is more linked to line condition issues and DSLAM port issues. Also, customer related issues (changing the wiring, etc) attribute to the above issue. All customers are not affected by it. But for the affected customers, OPMC can handle the issues on case-by-case basis. I will inform you the fault reporting procedure.
PEO TV has add 7 films to the video on demand section. Those films are
Baddegama, Dase nisa, Maya, Gahanu Lamai, Gamperaliya and Rekahwa. Theses valuable films directed by Lester James Peiris are now available in VOD classic section.
We are working on Tamil and hindi content providers.
CBeebies and BBC entertainment have shared programs.
Now you can access PEO TV facebook content right away from the blog. This is the live feed from the facebook..
Thank you for your quick response. I shall await details from you regarding the 'fault reporting procedure' for the 'WAITING SIGNAL' problem.
However, your response to my query regarding BBC Entertainment is unacceptable and typical of the evasive tactics adopted by Customer Service at PEO. As an early subscriber to PEO TV, I KNOW that CBeebies is telecast from 6 am to 6 pm, while BBC Entertainment takes over from 6 pm to 6 am. But for the last 2 months we have CBeebies for 24 hours per day. THERE ARE NO BBC ENTERTAINMENT PROGRAMS. Please let me know WHEN PEO TV expects to resume telecasting such programs. If on the other hand, PEO TV cannot AFFORD the royalty payments for such programs, please say so. I will then not expect to see BBC Entertainment again on PEO TV again.
Quite a few of us switched to PEO TV because of the shoddy treatment we received from other service providers.
Delete Comment From: PEO TV
Blogger PEO TV said...
If there are random faults in your PEO TV connection such as "waiting signal", it may be because of instant network problems.• If the problem continues,call our 24 hour help desk on 1243 or (011) 244 1123 for technical support.Then the case will be directed to the specific OPMC.
If not you can contact your sales agent and he will report the fault to 1243 for you.
Dear Admin,
When will PEO TV commence operations in the city of GALLE? I've been waiting to subscribe for a connection for a long time now! Pls give me a time-frame...And is there any way that I can get a test connection?
I would also like to know whether the following channels will be available in the line-up in the near future...
E! Entertainment Television (Asia)
Fox News
Channel V International
Universal Channel Asia
Art TV (Local)
ETV (Local)
TV2 (Local)
Thank you...
“Quite a few of us switched to PEO TV because of the shoddy treatment we received from other service providers.” – kayhaytha
This is THE statement PEO TV needs to remember. I am one such customer, shifted from DTV due to their attitude and arrogance. What’s the use of a DTH service if they do not address the customer needs? It is very important that PEO does not become another such a service. For the moment, PEO looks different and willing to listen. This is very encouraging.
We are not here to make unreasonable demands. We are also people who are very well aware of the economic realities. We know that there are limits to what PEO can do at a given monthly fee they charge. But, we would like you to tell us straight, so that we know. On the other hand, we also would put forward our suggestions, so PEO TV can listen to us and let us know as to what they can do. The most important thing is to let us know what to expect. Keeping the customers in the dark is not an option.
Few suggestions on the new channels.
I would like PEO to tell me what new channels can I expect from PEO TV and when. I am a big fan of CN and Boomerang (at my age too!). I also would love to see MTV in English and MTV2 if possible. I don’t mind seeing a few more series channels, documentary channels and movie channels too (easier said than done, I know). For my Tamil friends, PEO definitely needs to come up with more channels. For the sports fans too. So to start with PEO needs to let us know what the new channels we can expect and when. It’s okay if you can’t make it, we just want to know what the future with PEO holds. That’s important.
Now, we know that you can’t give all this is for free. So the best thing to do is to create different packages according to the preferences. For example, I am a documentary channels fan. So a base package plus channels such as Discovery, Travel and Living, Animal Planet, History, National Geography, NatGeo Wild, Natgeo Adventure, Discovery Kids, etc. You can price the package accordingly. Of caurse I should have the freedom to add few more channels I like from other packages (I know IPTV can facilitate this faster than Satellite).
Once I get my base package, preference package plus additional channels, I get my own customized entertainment. I decide my cost and the channels I need to watch. Hope PEO TV would work to bring this kind of setup where we can personalize the channel setup. Also, hope that you guys would let us know what we can expect in the future.
Let me say you that we are covering Galle region soon( before end of this year). Now I can't say exact date of the launch. And we have launched the PEO TV service to gamapaha region.
For your previous question about BBC entertainment:
We have purchase CBeebies stream, but the content provider has given us a shared channel previously. After they has enable 24x7 CBeebies channel to our region, it is only CBeebies.
@ Deshal
Thank you for valuable suggestions, I really appreciate these kind of comments in this blog.
There are lot of comments about new channels.So what I am going to do is analyze you comments and forward the ratings to the future decisions. I am thinking of creating polling channels kind of thing in this blog so it is very easy to mark your like or dislike. but let me say you we are going to purchase new channels in the future for sure, and we like to hear your comments to make better decisions.
Thank you very much
Hey PEO,
obviously IPTV is new to Sri Lanka. And I know what kind of things a IPTV company is capable of rather than providing channels. I'm agreeing with other bloggers that PEO TV has to introduce new interesting channels to their channel line up.
I want to start a discussions about PEO TV interactive applications and their penetration to the public.
PEO TV have created a platform which any one can check their horoscope when ever they want and access those information right away form their TV.
There is amazing feature that couples can check their match reports from their TV set. And subscribers can take weekly reports based on their zodiac symbol. Newly PEO has added a year horoscope which will elaborate on behavior of zodiac symbols through out the year.
We can access SLT Rainbow pages via PEO TV...
RAINBOW PAGES is known as the National
Business Directory.SLT Rainbow pages offers
details regarding health and beauty, hotels,
travel & transport, sport, Entertainment &
Leisure, food & Dining, business, Motor
vehicles computers, Garments, banking and
Finance. RAINBOW PAGES has been always in
the forefront in introducing new products and
services to the industry from its inception.
SLT Rainbow pages give information about manufactures name, details, address and phone
number for products and services.
@ Nethni
That what I am talking?...We need more comments on this topic.
Thank you once again for clarifying the exact position of PEO TV regarding BBC Entertainment.
If this simple explanation was given to us earlier, it would have prevented a sense of dissatisfaction developing among viewers of this particular channel.
you are welcome..that's why I started writing comments on this blog. so i can explain things to the customers.
since our peo tv facility indicated that no signal..i have informed to 1212 on 18th and in every time they saying that we hv informed to the maintainance center.. but upto now no one came..but in th eearly morning some body calling and ask the direction to the home for maintainance..and 2 days we left our works and staied..but today 23rd..
and this happened not only for me.. many more pepple who getting this facility had faced to this..
since our peo tv facility indicated that no signal..i have informed to 1212 on 18th and in every time they saying that we hv informed to the maintainance center.. but upto now no one came..but in th eearly morning some body calling and ask the direction to the home for maintainance..and 2 days we left our works and staied..but today 23rd..
and this happened not only for me.. many more pepple who getting this facility had faced to this..
since our peo tv facility indicated that no signal..i have informed to 1212 on 18th and in every time they saying that we hv informed to the maintainance center.. but upto now no one came..but in th eearly morning some body calling and ask the direction to the home for maintainance..and 2 days we left our works and staied..but today 23rd..
and this happened not only for me.. many more pepple who getting this facility had faced to this..
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