The Ranaviru Pranama package exclusively caters to the Sri Lanka Armed Forces. It consists of an exciting array of 23 local and international channels along with unique features such as TSTV (Time Shifted TV), Rewind TV (Pause, Rewind live television) and video on-demand content (VOD) plus a host of value added services.

you guys are late do this. But I am glad you you offer this.
You have gone so very quiet, what’s up?
There is a speculation that you guys are planning to increase the number of channels on PEO to a surprising level within this year and to an unmatched level within 2010. I saw this in another web blog also I think. Numbers were mentioned but I don’t think its appropriate to put the numbers down without you guys confirming this.
Please let us know if this is anywhere near the truth or it is just someone’s sweet imagination. Also this could be a rumor spread by a competitor who would want to increase the customer expectations to a level undeliverable by PEO.
For me, I don’t think the number of channels matter anyway. What matters is having few good quality channels such as Boomerang, CN, AXN, few more sports channels, Animal Planet, Nat Geo Wild, more Tamil channels, MTV Europe, MTV2 etc, giving trick play facility to more channels and improving on VoD.
Competition might come in from other DTH providers but what matters is understanding your strengths and improving on those rather than increasing the number of channels aimlessly.
BTW, I made a suggestion on the STB in one of my earlier posts. Didn’t get a reply.
My problem is the huge lag when navigating through channels. It's really painful to change channels and to scroll in the menu. Because of that, we can't watch it leisurely. When are you going to fix this?
Compared to PeoTV, DialogTV offers much better channels. As Deshal have said, it's not the number that matters, but the quality of the channels.
As I see, the only advantage of PeoTV is TimeShift TV. But I don't think most users even need it. PeoTV should focus on improving basic necessities first like the channel navigating problem.
nw u can activate star sports and star cricket!!!!!!!!!
Gr8 move PEO
bt still its expensive than DTV...Rs.250 4 both channels
Yes they have and its Crystal clear.... Price is too steap tho... what about ESPN and NEO cricket these two channels are a must for cricket fans... Peo keep up the good work and reduce the price... Admin pls update site accordingly...
It looks as if this website has gone t winter hibernation. That’s the issue with PEO. You told us that you would listen to us and gave this URL to write. But we don’t see anything happening. You promised us a list of channels for voting but that also did not happen. Activating Star Sports and Star Cricket are good moves but I am not much of a sports fan and that does not add value to me. I want more documentary, movie and music channels added and they’d better be good ones. I don’t have a problem of paying for what I would like.
I really hope that you guys make sure that you keep the dialogue running between you guys and the subscribers. If you are going to go quite like this, nothing positive will be achieved!
PEO TV must absolutely remove their logo. It is very annoying and we the subscribers should take immediate action if this is not going to happen. If they really really want to have the logo, they need to redesign it in such a way that the attention drawn to it would be minimal.
This is ugly and takes a lot of my TV screen space which I pay for! When I signed the contract with PEO TV, they did not mention that they would take viewing space on my TV screen, disturbing the information on my screen to place their poorly designed logo. I don’t need anybody meddling with my rights.
I wish these people know what their doing before they do it. I thought PEO is better managed unlike DTV, which had a bunch of losers trying to meddle with the rights of their subscribers.
Guys, if PEO does not take their logo off of the screen space that we pay for, we need to take strong action!
Please let us know if this is anywhere near the truth or it is just someone’s sweet imagination. Also this could be a rumor spread by a competitor who would want to increase the customer expectations to a level undeliverable by PEO.
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